Tomasz Jamroziak
Business psychologist, management boards consultant, inspiring speaker, senior trainer, executive coach.
Director and owner of traning and consulting company
Otwarte Przestrzenie.
Business psychologist, management boards consultant, inspiring speaker, senior trainer, executive coach.
Director and owner of traning and consulting company Otwarte Przestrzenie.

It’s very easy to be different, but very difficult to be better.
Jonatan Ive- Assistance in the process of change
- Effective change introduction
- Preparing to change
- Resilience in change
- Communication in change
- Communicating change
- Process of change
- Philosophy and practice of work in constant transition
- Strategy changing
- Organisational changes
- Owner changes
- Changes in team
- Implementing values

He, who wants to rule people should not rush them before him but make them follow.
Montesquieu- Leadership skills development
- Systematic development of top management in organisations
- Cycle of development programmes
- Leadership energy management
- Building the culture of feedback
- Communication for creativity and development
- Organisation of work
- Authority building
- Motivating
- Boards of directors
- Top managament
- Management
- Project leaders

If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person’s point of view and see things from that person’s angle as well as from your own.
Henry Ford- Constructive communication
- Rule-based communication
- Relationship building
- Managing emotions in communication
- Constructive confrontation
- Constructive conflict resolution
- Negotations
- Persuasion and influence
- Communication in organisation
- Interpersonal communication
- Communication in customer service
- Communication in management

Not finance. Not strategy. Not technology. It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare.
Patrick Lencioni- Team building
- Team Excellence
- Team dynamics
- Team roles diagnosis
- Ownership teams
- Boards of directors
- Task forces
- Project teams
- Teams with changing leadership
- Organisational units