Teachers and Masters
I was very lucky to meet on my way many wonderful teachers – contemporary founders of new, groundbreaking approaches and methods, explorers and geniuses in their fields. They come from so many different places and generations and what they have in common is extraordinary passion, determination, uncommon efficiency and inner cohesion. These are some of them:
- Frank Farrelly – founder of Provocative Therapy
- Marshall Rosenberg – founder of NVC – Nonviolent Communication
- Bert Hellinger – founder of Systemic Constellations
- Jeffrey Zeig – disciple of Milton Erickson
- Jane Pearsons-Fain – disciple of Virginia Satir
- Nick Kemp – founder of Provocative Change Works
- B.K.S Iyengar
- Gita Iyengar
- Prasiant Iyengar
- Dalai Lama
- Stefan Niedziałkowski